Take a look!

There’s a ton of projects that I’ve worked on over at my GitHub. Some notable examples are:

Reinforcement Learning via OpenAI Gym – here I’ve implemented a bunch of RL algorithms in TensorFlow and PyTorch. One highlight is my implementation of Learning Simple Algorithms from Examples by Zaremba et al. which particularly got me interested in program induction.

A Minimal Adversarial Attack Example on the Iris Dataset – I wanted to demonstrate what is actually happening when perturbations cause misclassifications from adversarial attacks on machine learning models.

A Minimal Embedding Example on the Iris Dataset – here I wanted to demonstrate the simplest idea of an embedding (a learned representation of some data).

I’ve tweeted about this quite a bit:

Various scrapers, e.g. for Blinkist and SlidesLiveI wanted offline ways of reading book summaries from Blinkist and I wanted to capture ICLR presentations + slides from SlidesLive, so I hacked together some scrapers!

Nintendo Game Boy emulator written in less than a week – I wrote a quick blog about this, but it’s an exercise in getting something going from absolute zero to something like a minimal demo.

My senior capstone project for my undergrad: A physics-based platformer game where you play as a giraffe!

LearnOpenGL – Project I started way back in high school to learn the ins and outs of OpenGL.

That’s all for now. I’ll continually update this. 🙂