
Obviously I haven’t posted anything in a while. But it’s time for a change – and change is good!

I am now currently in three courses that are at least semi-relevant to this blog.

  • ANI 230 – 3D Design & Modeling
  • CSC 298 – Internship
  • GPH 321 – Computer Graphics Development I

In ANI 230, we’re learning Maya 2015. Starting with low-poly and now (it’s about midterms time) we’re onto animation with keyframes. I’m particularly interested in ray tracing, because we are building our very own in C++ in GPH 321.

As for CSC 298, it basically runs alongside the internship that I already have. Here, I’ve been working with a ton of Java stuff lately interfacing with a USB HID. Through this, I’ve learned to use Maven – let me just say it’s awesome.

Anyhow, I’ll be posting some images of the stuff I’ve been working on soon.

Also, I may move this entire blog to a domain/host I pay for now. Or maybe even use GitHub Pages and Jekyll, those look fun.

Oh and I read a few Android books, great stuff. Loving Android dev.

Finished with GAM 374

Well, I chose to turn in exactly what you see in that last blog post. Everything that was required for the assignment was there and it earned me a 95%.

I am now focusing my efforts into work with a near-full-time schedule of 38 hours a week. I will be posting stuff about happenings relating to that from here on out.

I’m also working on an Android app, so there will be some Java tossed in.

And last but not least, my love for C++ is growing as I discover C++11 features. There’s a little code I wrote to test out the functionality of some of the new stuff if you read on.

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