MAT 140 & PGP Encryption

I was in MAT 140 – Discrete Mathematics last quarter and I found that the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is super interesting. When the professor was speaking about it, I asked if it was the base for PGP encryption and it turned out it was. I had an inkling for this, because I previously heard that PGP generates super large numbers and that’s where the security lies.

I’m kind of skeptical. Sure, with the current state of computing these cryptography keys are nearly impossible to crack, but the fact is that they still are possible to crack. I’m betting on sooner rather than later.

Well, I’ll be looking into how this works in greater detail whenever I have time.

Anyone know some places to learn more?

Finished with GAM 374

Well, I chose to turn in exactly what you see in that last blog post. Everything that was required for the assignment was there and it earned me a 95%.

I am now focusing my efforts into work with a near-full-time schedule of 38 hours a week. I will be posting stuff about happenings relating to that from here on out.

I’m also working on an Android app, so there will be some Java tossed in.

And last but not least, my love for C++ is growing as I discover C++11 features. There’s a little code I wrote to test out the functionality of some of the new stuff if you read on.

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First Day of Final Project

Today marks the first day I’ve started working on the final project for my GAM 374: Fundamentals of Game Programming I class. I’ve decided to recreate Tank – well actually, the Wii Play version called “Tanks!“.

We’re using the DePaul game engine called Azul – which I think could definitely use an engine overhaul since it’s based on the singleton design pattern. Gross.

Click to learn about Game Programming Patterns