Dat College Feel

Walking to class this morning is the first time I’ve ever actually felt college-y. I don’t know what’s different this morning, but the brisk air, morning sun, and overall atmosphere seems… Different.

Maybe it’s the realization that this path isn’t what everyone chooses. I see so many people from when I was younger choosing one of the billions of other paths there are and I believe I’ve chosen the best one for me.

For the first two years of college (I’m a junior now), I only took it semi-seriously. To me, it was just something I had to do, not something I wanted to do. I felt most of the classes I had been taking were pointless, and that the idea that college finally lets someone explore the things they are most interested in was false.

I understand now that one cannot look at it as black and white as that. College is a place where, yes, you learn about certain specific things you’re interested in, but it also shows you that there’s a world where there’s so much more to learn, understand, and contemplate that it doesn’t make sense to ignore it.